Impact Investing


The value of an investment is no longer just about returns. Increasingly investors also call for their money to make a positive impact on society and the world. Profit, Planet & People! Sustainable Investing is a blanket term – a ‘catch-all’ for a fund or company’s efforts to do better. With the growing number of investors – individual and institutional – that want to see their money go to investment that are both profitable and reflective of their social values, there is a proliferation of funds and strategies that integrate sustainable and ethical considerations into the investment process.


There are three styles of sustainable investing: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), socially responsible investing (SRI), and impact investing. While often used interchangeably, distinct differences do exist that will affect how client portfolios should be structured and which investments are suitable for meeting social impact goals.


Jennifer Faust provides clients with strategic counsel on the building, fundraising, and management of numerous ESG and impact investing funds and projects around the world. She maintains a strong network of impact investor relationships and regularly speaks as an expert on the topic.




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